Smile, it’s Friday! And… Smile, because it’s good for the soul! The “Smiling Mind” app, designed for iOS and Android, is a fabulous meditation app that focuses on bringing mindfulness to our everyday lives.
Too often all of us can get caught up in pressures, whether it be personal or work related, and we experience stress. Stress triggers our body’s natural “fight or flight” response, and we go into survival mode. Our body shuts off our digestive system, stops growth and reproduction, and impairs the immune system. The survival mode is supposed to shut off when the “threat” has subsided, but if we continue to worry about whatever is bothering us, that trigger can stay on.
It makes it more challenging to lose weight, we get sicker more often, and experience a general overall sense of unease and imbalance. Smiling Mind uses “Mindfulness Meditation” to help us find our center and lower the stress response that we have. The app is geared for several age levels. Afraid you might forget to be “mindful” each day? There’s an app for that too! Simply download “Mindfulness Bell” and you can set a reminder however often you want through the day. It’s good for all of us to be reminded to slow down!
Image courtesy of Ambro/
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