Arguably one of the most successful food planning programs out there is the Weight Watchers Points System. Most of us have heard about it, but how does this work?
Weight Watchers does a short quiz with you that will determine how many points you’re allowed to have in a day. Then, through the day as you eat, you calculate the point value of everything you’re consuming and subtract it from your daily total. When you hit zero, you’re done eating for the day! (Let’s just hope you don’t hit zero before noon!)
Points are based on calories, fat and fiber contained in an item. And while Weight Watchers does say “eat anything you want” obviously if you’re making healthier food choices, you’ll be able to eat more. And guess what? There’s an app for this!
Weight Watchers has conveniently added a mobile app to their arsenal, so you have literally at your fingertips the information you need to be successful. Sorry BB users, but no Blackberry Love from Weight Watchers; this app is available on the Android and Apple platforms. For you berry users, App World does have a pocket guide and a points calculator for the old points system. Just search “Weight Watchers” for these. When you sign up here: you will be directed where to download the app. Good luck and happy point counting!
Image courtesy of sattva/
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