You can read what “Results” about is here Here it is, already a week later after my cleanse experiment. I wanted to wait a week before writing this, so I could not only include “right after” reflections but a week later as well. I will be honest… when I set out to do this, my thought process was very much “Hey I can do this… it’s only a week. Seven days. And I’m not specifically limited on the amount of food I eat, just the type… it’s just seven days… easy peasy.” I quickly realized that it wasn’t as easy as that. And while I did appreciate picking an experiment out that didn’t limit me to one grapefruit and a glass of water each day, it was still difficult sticking with the plan. On days that I couldn’t cook anything to eat I really missed having a hot meal. However, with the exception of that, and random food cravings, I didn’t do too badly! Because of such a drastic change in my diet, I knew I was going to drop weight, and I also felt most of it would be water weight. For the record, I was also fine with losing that, since my system has a tendency to retain water. I weighed myself the day after I finished the cleanse, and I was down 12 pounds. This morning I weighed myself again, figuring it would be a more accurate read of weight loss, since I’d resumed my usual eating habits, and I was still down 8 pounds. I was pretty happy about this! I’ve noticed that I don’t seem to have as much of an appetite as I did before. Overall I seem to be eating less. Also some of my previous “loves” in the food department I haven’t had any interest in. Chocolate has zero appeal to me. (and part of me just died inside typing that!). Gravy doesn’t sound good. I want to eat fruit more than I did before. Veggies too but I’ve always been partial to veggies. Regular potato chips have no interest to me. Based on this, I would have to say that even though it only lasted a week I did seem to take some new habits with me going forward!
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